Le Dr Ghassan Moubarak est cardiologue de formation et spécialiste en rythmologie à temps plein. Ancien interne des hôpitaux de Paris (médaille d’argent de la faculté), il a été chef de clinique-assistant dans l’unité de rythmologie du service de cardiologie de l’hôpital Lariboisière (2008-2010) puis a exercé la rythmlogie à l’hôpital Saint-Joseph entre 2010 et 2016.
Depuis 2016, il consulte et exerce son activité interventionnelle au Centre médico-chirurgical Ambroise Paré de Neuilly-sur-Seine (92). Au sein de l’équipe de rythmologie, il pratique l’ensemble des procédures d’ablation d’arythmies (notamment la fibrillation atriale) et d’implantation de stimulateurs et défibrillateurs.
Membre de la Société européenne de rythmologie (EHRA), le Dr Moubarak est investigateur dans plusieurs études cliniques institutionnelles ou industrielles et est relecteur pour différents journaux scientifiques réputés (Heart, Neurology, etc.).

Diplômes universitaires obtenus :
Diplôme interuniversitaire de Rythmologie et de Stimulation Cardiaque (Université Paris Descartes) (2009)
DES de Cardiologie et maladies vasculaires, Paris (2008)
Diplôme interuniversitaire d’Echocardiographie d’Ile-de-France (Université Paris 12) (2007)
Master 2 Biologie cellulaire, Physiologie, Pathologie, spécialité cardiovasculaire (Université Paris 7) (2007)
Diplôme universitaire de Cardiologie du Sport F. Plas (Université Paris 6) (2005)
Maîtrise des Sciences Biologiques et Médicales (Université Paris 5) (2004)
Publications scientifiques :
- Benali K, Barré V, Hermida A, Galand V, Milhem A, Philibert S, Boveda S, Bars C, Anselme F, Maille B, André C, Behagel A, Moubarak G, Clémenty N, Da Costa A, Arnaud M, Vernier S, Sebag F, Jesel-Morel L, Sagnard A, Champ-Rigot L, Dand D, Guy-Moyat B, Abbey S, Garcia R, Cesari O, Badenco N, Lepillier A, Ninni S, Boulé S, Maury P, Algalarrondo V, Bakouboula B, Mansourati J, Lesaffre F, Lagrange P, Bouzeman A, Muresan L, Bacqueline R, Bortone A, Bun SS, Pavin D, Macle L, Martin RP. Recurrences of atrial fibrillation despite durable pulmonary vein isolation: the PARTY-PVI study. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2023; 16:e011354.
- Seitz J, Mohr Durdez T, Albenque JP, Pisapia A, Gitenay E, Durand C, Monteau J, Moubarak G, Theoedore G, Lepillier A, Zhao A, Bremondy M, Maluski A, Cauchemez B, Combes S, Guyomar Y, Heuls S, Thomas O, Penaranda G Siame s, Appetiti A, Milpied P, Bars C, Kalifa J. Artificial intelligence software standardizes electrogram-based ablation outcome for persistent atrial fibrillation. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2022; 33:2250-60.
- Sharifzadeghan A,…, Moubarak G,…Jouven X, Marijon E. Lack of early etiologic investigations in young sudden cardiac death. Resuscitation 2022; 179:197-205.
- Sebag FA,Garot P, Galea R, De Bacjer O, Lepillier A, De Meesteer, Hildick-Smith D, Armero S, Moubarak G, Ducrocq G, Eschalier R, Aminian A, Sauguet A, Lellouche N, Mahmoudi K, Raber L, Amabile N. Left atrial appendage closure for throbus trapping: the international, multicentre TRAPEUR registry. EuroIntervention 2022: 18:50-7.
- Amara W, Reynaud N, Aman C, Cheggour S, Moubarak S, Marijon E, Fromentin S, Steinbach M, Pfeffer A, Waisblat V, Taieb J. Hypnosis rythmology practice: results of a French survey. Ann Cardiol Angeiol 2021; 70:312-6.
- Laredo M, Ferchaud V, Thomas O, Moubarak G, Cauchemez B, Zhao A. Durability of left atrial lesions after ethanol infusions in the vein of Marshall. JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2022; 8:41-8.
- Pezel T, Mika D, Logeart D, Cohen-Solal A, Beauvais F, Henry P, Laissy JP, Moubarak G. Characterization of non-response to cardiac resynchronisation therapy by post-procedural computed tomography. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2021; 44: 135-44.
- Ferchaud V, Garcia R, Bidegain N, Degand B, Milliez P, Pezel T, Moubarak G. Non-invasive hemodynamic determination of patient-specific optimal pacing mode in cardiac resynchronisation therapy. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2021; 62:347-56.
- Sebag FA, Siméon E, Moubarak G, Zhao A, Villejoubert O, Darondel JM, Vedrenne G, Lepillier A, Jorrot , Mouhoub Y, Bouzeman A, Hamon D, Lellouche N, Mignot N. Definition of success criteria for ablation of typical right atrial flutter with a single-catheter approach: a pilot study. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2020; 113:791-6.
- Massoulié G, Moubarak G, Thomas O, Da Costa A, Roger V, Justo J, Mechulan A, Eschalier R, Silberbauer J, Andronache M. Initial multicenter experience with a new high-density coloring module: impact for complex atrial arrhythmias interpretation. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2021; 60:313-9.
- Moubarak G, Sebag FA, Socié P, Villejoubert O, Louembe J, Ferchaud V. Interelationships between interventricular electrical delays in cardiac resynchronisation therapy. J Cardiovasc Electropgysiol 2020; 31:2405-14.
- Moubarak G, Viart G, Anselme F. Acute correction of electromechanical dyssynchrony and response to cardiac resynchronisation therapy. ESC Heart Fail 2020, 7: 1302-8.
- Moubarak G, Zhao A, Thomas O, Cauchemez B. Complex organized atrial arrhythmia with alternantion between two circuits involving probable epicardial connections: an ultra-high-density mapping study. HeartRhythm Case Rep 2018; 5:359-62.
- Wahbi K, Ben Yaou, Gandjbakhch E, Anselme F, Gossios T, Ladkawla NK, Stalens C, Sacher F, Babuyt D, Trochu JN, Moubarak G,…, Duboc D. Development and validation of a new risk prediction score for life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias in laminopathies. Circulation 2019; 140:293-302
- Taëb J, Le Franc P, Khattar P, Moubarak G, Gorka H, Godenir JP, Deutsch P, Degand B, Al Daoud A, Elkaim JP, Elbaz N, Merlo S, Lellouche N. Occurrence of significant long PR intervals in patients implanted for sinus node dysfunction and monitored with SafeR; the PRECISE stydu. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2018; 112:153-61
- Socié P, Squara F, Semichon M, Thomas O, Khemache A, Riccini P, Squara P, Alagalarrondo V, Moubarak G. Combination of the best pacing configuration and atrioventricular and interventricular delays optimization in cardiac resynchroniszation therapy. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2018; 41: 362-7
- Moubarak G, Maison-Blanche P, Thomas O. Eligibility of cardiac resynchronization patients for subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillators. J Electrocardiol 2018; 51:531-3.
- Moubarak G, Bouzeman A, de Geyer d’Orth T, Bouleti C, Beuzelin C, Cazeau S. Variability in obstructive sleep apnea: Analysis of pacemaker-detected respiratory disturbances. Heart Rhythm 2017; 14:359-64.
- Bedet A, Garçon P, Boulogne M, Richard JF, Opatowski L, Moubarak G, Rejasse G, Cador R. Caractéristiques et prise en charge des patients hospitalisés pour insuffisance cardiaque terminale ayant fait l’objet d’une limitation de soins en unité de soins intensifs cardiologiques. Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) 2015; 64:255-62.
- Moubarak G, Bouzeman A, Ollitrault J, Anselme F, Cazeau S. Phrenic nerve stimulation in cardiac resynchronizaton therapy. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 2014; 41:15-21.
- Moubarak G, Logeart D, Cazeau S, Cohen Solal A. Might ivabradine be useful in permanent atrial fibrillation? International Journal of Cardiology 2014; 175:187-8.
- Moubarak G, Ritter P, Daubert JC, Cazeau S. First experience of intraoperative echocardiography-guided optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 2014; 107:169-77.
- Moubarak G, Tamazyan R, Garcon P, Join Lambert C, Bruandet M, Cazeau S, Zuber M. Detection of occult atrial fibrillation by pacemaker interrogation in cryptogenic stroke. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 2014; 39:261-5.
- Moubarak G, Bonhomme S, Vedrenne G, Bouleti C, Ollitrault J, Priollet P, Cador R, Cazeau S. Femoral vein thrombosis after right-sided electrophysiological procedures. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 2013; 38:155-8.
- Anselme F, Moubarak G, Savoure A, Godin B, Borz B, Drouin-Garraud V, Gay A. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators in lamin A/C mutation carriers with cardiac conduction disorder Heart Rhythm 2013; 10:1492-8.
- Moubarak G, Ernande L, Godin M, Cazeau S, Vicaut E, Hanon O, Zuily S, Tournoux F, Danchin N, Derumeaux G, Mechulan A. Impact of comorbidity on medication use in elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases. The OCTOCARDIO study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2013; 20:524-30.
- Moubarak G, Badenco N, Dreyfus J, Simion C, Delos-Paquet A, Cazeau S, Cador R. Eligibility of patients with atrial fibrillation for new oral anticoagulants. International Journal of Cardiology 2013; 165:573-4.
- Kirchhof P, Marijon E, Fabritz L, Li N, Wang W, Wang T, Schulte K, Hanstein J,Schulte JS, Vogel M, Mougenot N, Laakmann S, Fortmueller L, Eckstein J, Verheule S, Kaese S, Staab A, Grote-Wessels S, Schotten U, Moubarak G, Wehrens XH, Schmitz W, Hatem S, Müller FU. Overexpression of cAMP-response element modulator causes abnormal growth and development of the atrial myocardium resulting in a substrate for sustained atrial fibrillation in mice. International Journal of Cardiology 2013; 166:366-74.
- Moubarak G, Algalarrondo V, Badenco N, Guiot A, Guillausseau PJ, Bergmann JF, Bardin T, Leenhardt A, Cohen Solal A. Electrocardiographic abnormalities in centenarians and octogenarians: a case-matched study. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 2012; 17:372-7.
- Algalarrondo V, Eliahou L, Thierry I, Bouzeman A, Dasoveanu M, Sebag C, Moubarak G, Le Guludec D, Samuel D, Adams D, Dinanian S, Slama MS. Circadian rhythm of blood pressure reflects the severity of cardiac impairment in familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 2012; 105: 281-90.
- Moubarak G, Pavin D, Behar N, Martins RP, Bouleti C, Leclercq C, Daubert JC, Mabo P. Relationship between Holter findings immediately after ablation of typical atrial flutter and subsequent risk of atrial fibrillation. International Journal of Cardiology 2012; 157: 271-2.
- Cazeau S, Moubarak G. Considerations on a new left ventricular multi-polar lead. Europace 2012; 14: 306-7.
- Petroni T, Moubarak G, Varenne O, Weber S, Duboc D. Do we need to systematically hospitalize electrocuted patients in ICU? International Journal of Cardiology 2011; 152: 410-1.
- Moubarak G. Evolution of the strength of recommendations in guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation. International Journal of Cardiology 2011; 149: 394-5.
- Moubarak G, Pavin D, Donal E, Laviolle B, Daubert JC, Mabo P. Ischemic strokes after ablation of typical atrial flutter. International Journal of Cardiology 2011; 147: 183-4.
- Moubarak G, Martins RP, Zuily S, Mechulan A, Hariri S, Guiot A. Attitudes of cardiology residents toward interactions with the pharmaceutical industry. International Journal of Cardiology 2011; 146: 461-2.
- Moubarak G, Polivka M, Lacaze Gadonneix J. Arrhythmias preceding death documented by postmortem pacemaker interrogation. International Journal of Cardiology 2011; 146: 245-6.
- Moubarak G, Guiot A, Benhamou Y, Benhamou A, Hariri S. Facebook activity of residents and fellows and its supposed impact on the doctor-patient relationship. Journal of Medical Ethics 2011; 37 : 101-4.
- Moubarak G, Messali A, Extramiana F, Leenhardt A. La fibrillation atriale est-elle un marqueur indépendant de risque cardio-vasculaire ? Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) 2010 ; 59S1 : S14-S18.
- Extramiana F, Messali A, Moubarak G, Leenhardt A. Quel traitement anti-arythmique pour la fibrillation auriculaire paroxystique ? Presse Med 2010 ; 39 : 688-693.
- Moubarak G, Martins RP, Zuily S, Mechulan A, Guiot A. Fréquence et types de cadeaux reçus par les internes de cardiologie de la part de l’industrie pharmaceutique. Presse Med 2010 ; 39 :e197-204.
- Moubarak G, Hariri G, Hariri S. L’utilisation de Facebook par les étudiants en médecine va-t-elle modifier la relation avec les patients ? Rev Prat 2010 ; 60 : 600-602.
- Moubarak G, Duthoit G, Frank R. Right pneumothorax resulting from an atrial lead inserted through the left cephalic vein. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2010 ; 103 : 424-5.
- Leenhardt A, Messali M, Moubarak G, Extramiana. Physiopathologie de la fibrillation atriale : applications à la thérapeutique. Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) 2009 ; 58 Suppl 1 : S6-10.
- Moubarak G, Pavin D, Laviolle B, Solnon A, Kervio G, Daubert JC, Mabo P. Incidence of atrial fibrillation during very long-term follow-up after radiofrequency ablation of typical atrial flutter. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2009; 102: 525-32.
- Cinotti R, Moubarak G, Gervais R, Mabo P. Ictus laryngé secondaire à une pneumopathie: quel est l’agent étiologique ? Rev Med Interne 2009; 30: 809-11.
- Moubarak G, Duthoit G, Hidden-Lucet F. Unusual pacemaker location due to pocket infection. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2009; 102: 155-156.
- Moubarak G, Schleich JM, Daubert JC. Long-term efficacy of two vena cava filter implantations for congenital duplicated inferior vena cava. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2009; 102:77-78.
- Moubarak G, Lacotte J, Leenhardt A. Electrocardiogramme. Indications et interprétation. Rev Prat 2008 ; 58 : 1953-1962.
- Moubarak G, Leenhardt A. Conséquences du repos de sécurité perçues par les internes de cardiologie. Rev Prat 2008; 58: 999-1001.
- Moubarak G, Weiss N, Leprince P, Luyt CE. Massive intraventricular thrombus complicating extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. Can J Cardiol 2008; 24: e1.